Behaviour help for teachers of students with autism

The number of students with autism in mainstream schools has risen dramatically over the past decade. Schools report that students with autism usually comprise the largest group of students with disabilities needing ongoing support. One of the key areas teachers and schools consistently seek help with is behaviour management.
Autistic children often do not react to stimuli in the same way as non-autistic children. Consequently their responses can sometimes be erratic or unusual resulting in unexpected language, sounds and body movements. Without a good understanding of their autistic classmate the teacher and students may feel their class is being disrupted, while they lack the tools they need to adapt.
Griffith’s Autism Centre of Excellence (ACE), led by Professor Jacqueline Roberts, is working with the Queensland Department of Education and Training to develop a professional online tool for conducting Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA). The tool will assist schools to proactively support students with

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