A powerful new documentary by Griffith Film School alumnus Guy Mansfield tells the stories of the “forgotten women” living with advanced breast cancer.
The documentary follows women who attend the Advanced Breast Cancer Group (ABCG) – a support group for women across Queensland with advanced breast cancer, an illness for which there is still no cure.
Post Pink features candid interviews with six women and their children, partners and parents. It was shot over six months and provides an honest account of their experiences, from dealing with the diagnosis to living with a terminal disease.
A cathartic experience
Guy Mansfield, who undertook a Masters in Screen Production at GFS, said the shoot was “an amazing experience”.
“I didn’t know how each woman would react to the ‘straight to the bone’ questions I was asking,” he said.
“What we managed to get was beyond my expectations – I was absolutely stunned by how they opened up on camera about love,