WOW’s Professor Ruth McPhail is Head of the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources (with whom the Centre has a close working relationship). Raised as an academic at Griffith University, her social justice agenda has always been very strong. We spent five minutes with Ruth to learn a little more about what research underpinned by such a perspective looks like….
In what areas do your current research interests lie?
Broadly, in international HRM [human resource management]; some areas of health care; and student success, i.e. the scholarship of learning and teaching, implementing orientation frameworks, Griffith’s PASS [Peer Assisted Study Sessions] initiative – [essentially] the retention, transition, and engagement of students.
Are there ongoing or emerging trends in your fields of research?
Yes, LGBTI [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, intersex] expat[riate]s in particular in international HRM: there is growing interest from companies, particularly around HR’s duty of care to employees. This is creating quite a dilemma