Griffith researcher partners with Taiwanese institutions to inform economic policies

Griffith Senior Lecturer, Dr Byung Min travelled to Taipai last month to commence his research project ‘Family firms and research and development’ as part of his Taiwan Fellowship 2018. The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) is the largest think-tank for Taiwanese economic policy and is the designated partner organisation for the project.
Fellow researchers include Ko-Hsiung Lien (Director, Regional Development Research Centre and Small and Medium Enterprises) and Chien-Fu Lin (TIER and National Taiwan University).
Byung’s previous research with TIER on issues of corporate governance and competitiveness will be used by Ko-Hsiung in research for the Taiwanese government on policies for small and medium enterprises. The TIER component of the research is funded by the Department of Economic Affairs, Taiwan and the research outcomes will be used to inform Taiwanese economic policies.
Byung will return to Taipei in October to complete this project along with two other related research projects he

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