Residents of the Carinity Wishart Gardens celebrated the retirement home’s 25th anniversary in March 2021 with tea, cake, and a few special guests.
Wishart, one of five Carinity-owned retirement communities in Queensland, recently hosted two separate morning tea parties at the Carinity Wishart Gardens community pavilion in order to accommodate all the participants to its 25th anniversary bash.
Throughout the festivities, numerous special events were held, such as celebratory cake cutting to commemorate the establishment’s 25-year milestone, or a special video presentation about the history of the Wishart area as well as the retirement village. Those who attended were given cupcakes and gift packs.
Carinity has supported elderly people in Australia for over 70 years by providing them with a home and a community to belong to. Wishart Gardens in particular is home to around 80 residents between the ages of 70 and 100.
Carinity Wishart Gardens can be found at 15 Glasford St, Wishart. For more information visit their website here. Follow Carinity’s social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates and announcements.