Developer Seeks To Build Residential Building In Upper Mount Gravatt

A five-storey apartment building could rise at Hertford Street in Upper Mount Gravatt, if a development application gets approved.

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Based on plans submitted to Brisbane City Council, each of the four levels will have six units to accommodate a total of 24 units whilst the ground floor will be constructed as a suspended structure for car parking.

Upper Mount Gravatt
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council/Red Door Architecture

A total of 49 car parking spaces will be provided on the suspended podium level, where 42 will be for residents, six for visitors and one for shared space.

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council/Red Door Architecture

As part of the application, developers have proposed to establish a new crossover, with direct access to Hertford St, given that the subject site, at 32 Hertford Street, Upper Mount Gravatt does not currently have a crossover to the street.

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council/Red Door Architecture

Designed by Red Door Architecture, it will feature a rooftop level which will have its own communal open spaces, featuring a BBQ area, outdoor alfresco and dining area, enhanced by landscaping.

“The design of the proposed development has had regard to the recently adopted provisions to provide a high quality rooftop communal open space for future residents, incorporating generous landscaping that integrates with the overall built form, and enhances the amenity of the rooftop garden,” planners at Town Planning Alliance wrote.

Upper Mount Gravatt
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council/Red Door Architecture

In the planning documents, it’s stated that the subject site is susceptible to overland flow flooding, and is confirmed to have an overland flow path traverse across the site.

In response, the applicant is planning to construct a wall structure in the undercroft area along the eastern boundary of the site to minimise flood level impacts to neighbouring properties. 

“Consequently, the proposed development has been designed to incorporate a suspended podium ground level with an undercroft at an appropriate height to ensure the development does not impact upon the overland flow. A driveway ramp is proposed from the south-eastern part of the site’s frontage to Hertford Street to facilitate access to the site from street level,” planning documents read.

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To learn more about the proposed multiple dwellings on Hertford Street, visit Brisbane City Council’s website, with the reference A006030769.