The Mt Gravatt East community is taking a firm stand against the proposed townhouse development on Carrara and Nurran Streets .
More than 800 residents have signed a petition against the proposed 32-unit development.
Locals are sending a strong message to the council that they don’t want the townhouse development, even before the developer could lodge a DA.
“Developers are getting away with reckless clearing and inappropriate development and the Council does not appear to be listening or supporting residents. As mere residents, we would never get away with what they have done. Remember, if they can do this here, they will do it near you. Its [sic] important to note that we are not anti-development we are against inappropriate development and reckless senseless clearing of natural habitats,” Mount Gravatt East Townhouse Development Action Group said in their Facebook page post.

“There has also been another serious fallout from this reckless and mismanaged clearing and that is the impact on wildlife. We have been left to deal with returning Koalas and other wildlife to a habitat that is now destroyed. We have had to deal with the heartbreaking killing of Koalas that were needlessly left stranded. This is why we have been updating you so much about the urgent local Koala situation.”
“The new Council biodiversity map had deemed 68 Nurran protected as it was designated for protection under 2017 Draft Amendments to the City Plan but this has been delayed for more than a year by the Council. Gee, wonder why there was such a rush to clear the land!”
Site of the proposed townhouse development already cleared
Proposed development site before clearing

Proposed development site after clearing
Whilst the council is moving forward with plans to ban townhouses and apartments developments in areas designed for single homes, some residents remain skeptical. They are particularly concerned about possible small lot subdivisions, as a result. Planning experts, on the other hand, are concerned that such a ban could push house prices even higher.