An application amending the approved proposed development has been lodged to accommodate a future Hungry Jack’s outlet, on Miles Platting Road in Rochedale.
The subject site is located at 323, 329 & 335 Gardner Road and 438, 448 & 449a Miles Platting Road, Rochedale and has a total area of approximately 53,341sqm.
The proposed changes involve the re-orientation of the building position of Stage 2D Building 2 Food and Drink Outlet, as well as the addition of four car parking spaces, as part of Stage 2 of Rochedale Town Centre development.
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council – Powe Architects /
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council – Powe Architects /
The development application will, however, maintain the setback previously approved and the loading bay is still planned to be situated behind the building and further away from the Miles Platting Road frontage.
Photo credit: Brisbane City Council – Powe Architects /
Whilst there is no increase in GFA, the proposed changes will increase the number of car parking spaces, as a result of the additional four spaces, to 18.
“The proposed changes involve changes to the layout of the approved food and drink outlet building to provide a layout that is suitable for future development, and ensures vehicle access is safe and efficient. These changes will also result in the designation of 4 additional parking spaces for the restaurant and no increase in GFA,” the Urbis Assessment report said.