The Player Street Connection project is set to improve traffic conditions in Upper Mount Gravatt as part of the Mount Gravatt Corridor Neighbourhood Plan.
The project involves the construction of a new section of road between Pickworth Street and Kessels Road to connect Player Street to MacGregor Street.
Traffic Conditions in Upper Mount Gravatt
According to Councillor Steven Huang of MacGregor Ward, the Player Street Connection will significantly improve traffic flow on Kessels Road. The project will also improve access to streets off Cremin Street.
“These streets house hundreds of families, as well as provide an access point to the Upper Mount Gravatt State School,” Cr Huang said.

According to a Council report, access to the residential area north of Kessels Road via Cremin Street is currently limited. The area is less accessible because the right turn into Cremin Street from Kessels Road is prohibited in morning and afternoon peak periods.
The location also has a significant crash history with a total of 24 crashes recorded on site between 2007 and 2011.
As of now, signals at the intersection of Kessels Road and Cremin Street currently provide access to the local area. However, these traffic signals are located too close to the Logan Road intersection with Kessels Road. This causes congestion and safety concerns for motorists and pedestrians.
Upper Mount Gravatt Player Street Connection Plans
Plans for the Player Street Connection involve the acquisition of four properties to allow the extension of Player Street to Kessels Road.

Council will resume properties at 652 and 654 Kessels Road as well as 8 and 10 Pickworth Street. Because of this, the owners of 8 Pickworth St and 652 Kessels Road have lodged objections to the resumption of their property.
Another part of the plan is the removal of traffic lights at the intersection of Kessels Road and Cremin Street. Access to the street will also be modified to left-in and left-out turns only and a median strip will be built on the road.
Benefits of the Project
Brisbane City Council has committed $4.8 million to the Player Street Connection project. The Council is hoping that the project will:
- Reduce congestion along Kessels Road and at signalised intersections between MacGregor Street and Logan Road.
- Increase safety for all road users.
- Improve local access.
- Improve freight movement along the BUC.
- Enhance travel times by two to four minutes.
For more information or comments on the Player Street Connection project you may:
- Call the project team on 1800 010 705 during business hours
- Call Council on 07 3403 8888 after hours
- Email the project team at
- Write to:
Player Street Connection Feasibility investigation
City Projects
Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001.